‘The Horned Hand’ Gesture – a Satanistic Sign and Indicator for Live-Hypnotic or/and Post-Hypnotic: Mind Control
‘The Horned Hand’ Gesture – a Satanistic Sign and Indicator for Live-Hypnotic or/and Post-Hypnotic:
Mind Control


The “horned hand” signs and other satanistic gestures VIPs
– stars, politicians and other famous persons –
may show openly while being photographed and filmed
during their media appearances are programmed by hypnosis
and may be triggered through telepathic code words or code signs
given by their mind programmers (the remote hypnotic consciousness controllers) –
– from there mostly those signs are not made willingly or/and consciously,
but occur in many cases hypnosis controlled and hence are an
indication of mind control or/and consciousness-control.
Satanistic gestures therefore are to be classified as “nothing”,
because a devil or/and satan does not exist –

Satanism is complete nonsense and hypnotic bogus. –
In the 21st Century at our stage of evolution of humanity Satanism is obsolete
and should be abolished and dissolved with united efforts.
Whether or not the “Horned Hand” gesture and its horned-hand-variations
are integrated in profane U.S. Americam culture for being friendly
does not make any diffrence to its origin – the satanistic symbolism –
and the cause of its appearance:
having been programmed into an individual behaviour by hypnosis and
remote hypnosis and being called up by codewords or/and codesigns or/and by
words spoken ‘telepathic’ in silent-mind-interaction by focused thoughts between two or more persons
– mostly by silent-inner-command – by the person’s mind programmer, the “spirit guide”.

Being mind programmend and in a logical sequence to live mind controlled is widespread worldwide.
Having a satanistic gesture happening within the own self
may create a terrible bad feeling for individuals attending official meetings in flashligts of cameras. –
The integration of satanistic gestures into profane U.S. culture as loose-packed style
of encounter, positive outlook and polite cameraderie may be a means to hide
the embarrasing, that cannot be avoided and cannot be supressed, and may
very well be understood as a diplomatic integrative polite attempt by fans, guests
and fellow sufferers – hypnotic mind programmed victims – to show it in return
to give the unconscious manifests another and better face, for presumably
nobody is in satanism by free will and likely nobody lives mind controlled by free will.

American Sign Language – the “Horned Hand” as “I Love You” sign:

jona(h) li, 2014

The ‘Silent Inner Command’:
Dieser Fachterminus der Hypnose-Techniken bedeutet in deutscher Sprache:
‘die Stille Innere Anrede’.

Consciousness Control and Mind Control:
Diese zwei Fachbegriffe der Hypnosetechniken bedeuten in deutscher Sprache:
‘Bewusstseinskontrolle’ und ‘Kontrolle des Vernunftdenkens’.

This textwork “THE ‘HORNED HAND’. MIND CONTROL INDICATORS” of jona(h) li, jona-li.eu = Johanna Maria Lindner in A-1210 Vienna (cell phone number: +43(0)6607227260) is under Creative Commons Licence 4.0 unported Intrnational: you may copy, multiply and spread the complete-unchanged-textwork and give tribute to the author regarding the CC4.0 unported Licence.

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